1:10 Rob Bourdon Drum Set (Linkin Park, The Hunting Party Tour)


Completion year– 2014-2015 (under construction)

materials used– paper, cardboard, clear vinyl sheets, steel pins, copper wire

Presentation video-



first stage complete  The lugs are suspended through 3 X 2 mm rectangular paper plates ( the scattered white pieces ) and tensions rods are needle pins trimmed to approximately 5 mm  WP_20141112_014_edt  repeating the process for all   WP_20140822_010  paint job done

WP_20140920_002  WP_20140909_002  WP_20140823_006  DSC08571  DSC08556  WP_20140929_003  WP_20140929_010  WP_20141015_003 WP_20141016_005 WP_20141019_002    WP_20141024_016  WP_20141026_001  DSC08654  DSC08662  DSC08387  DSC08381  DSC08677  triggers triggers1 triggers (2) DSC09026 WP_20150120_002 10952443_1557502321184252_4378307169644540573_o DSC09081 DSC09114 DSC09132 DSC09141 DSC09148 DSC09149 DSC09151 DSC09153 DSC09162 DSC09171 DSC09181 DSC09182 DSC09172